Our sidewalk and fire hydrant audit process consists of 3 basic steps: Inspection of the property or area,
assessment of the remediation and repairs needed, and the actual repairs/remediation of the issues outlined.
Use purpose built data capturing software used to inspect sidewalks, curbs, hydrants, water services or other items
GPS coordinates & photos of all inspection findings
SSA creates reports of findings with recommendation of remediation steps to ensure significant reduction in liability and public safety
SSA works within budgetary constraints to target highest areas of deficiency and optimize spend
• SSA completes
remediation of
inspections findings
• Can be completed all
at once or as a part of
a longer term, multi-
year plan to remediate
all inspection findings
At SSA, we offer inspection, auditing and remediation services for municipalities and private property owners. In addition to reducing potential liabilities, our services allow our customers to greatly improve
the safety of their residents and visitors overall. Our most popular services include:
– Sidewalk Audits & Remediation
• Trip Hazards
• ADA Compliance
• Beautification
• Condition & Debris
• Sandblasting & Painting